Missonary & Church support
As the gospel spreads so do false teachings and false teachers. The prosperity gospel is one of the largest exports of the American Church. Back40 provides free apologetic resources to churches and pastors around the world to make sure that believers can recognize the false teachers that Jesus warned us would come.
Back40 is also a support system for churches and missionaries. We offer financial and spiritual support to those doing the hard work of taking the gospel to a lost & dying world. Large missionary organizations come with lots of red tape which can make quick decisions painfully slow. That's where Back40 comes in. We can offer quick emergency funds to our missionary partners as well as long term financial and leadership support.
Back40 is

We are a bridge that helps you directly support missionaries around the world.

We have partnered with some of the most amazing missionaries we have ever met. From the front lines of Ukraine to the jungles of Panama they are making a difference for the kingdom!

Our weekly prayer list keeps you up to date on the missionaries and ministry of back40 as well as any special prayer request they or even you might have!